
Showing posts from June, 2017
BP #10. Money Matters Hi my dear reader. Recently I’ve played quit catchy game and ‘SPENT’ is its name. There you should find a job, to deal with different situations and to distribute costs properly. On my opinion, this game is useful training before the adult life. It shows how you can distribute your salary between the rent, family and personal needs.  Personally I didn’t complete this game from the first try. Maybe because I like throw around money.
BP #9. Environment Hi my dear reader. Our today’s topic is environment. And I want to share my expressions after watching of two videos about the human’s influence on environment.  .The main point of the first video is that carbon dioxide has a great influence on the climate change, and that we should look for the alternative sources of energy like solar water wind power. Also there were mentioned that fossil fuels are very harmful to the environment, so we should think about the usage of the law-carbon energy. For example, offshore wind farms are a nice variant, but there’s one problem – they are too expensive. Nowadays scientists try to create new type of generators, so that this technology will be cheaper in future. Moreover, it was said, that electric supply of automobiles could reduce the level of gas emission. But the main problem is that industry can’t exist without energy. The only way to solve this problem is to reuse some things, such as buildings, plastic\paper prod
BP #8. My Little Big Company Hi my dear reader. Today I want to invite you to my company that named «UT-Net”. Workers of our company help for other people with translating. This job includes translation of the articles/books, cooperation with workers, who’re living abroad, sound films/cartoons etc. So you mast have special skills. Our aim is to give people an opportunity to understand foreign language with all specialties so that we need qualified people. If is you work by hart you will climb the top of career ladder.  Our requirements are: -           Fluently speak English ; to have level A1 of German or French ; -           Age: 18+ -           Have the ability to work in team; -           To be sociable; Our motto is: “Promote for happiness others”. Having career in our company guaranties for you high salary, career prospects, benefits packages etc. Moreover, you could take a day off if it needed, be entitled to sick pay, or take maternity leave. Here i
BP #7. System of Education Hi my dear reader. Our today’s topic is education. I’m to describe you educational system and share my impressions about two videos I’ve seen recently. In the first video Sugata Mitra told us about educational system. The main point is that nowadays everything connected with computers. You don’t need to write by hand, you should just be able to type on computer, read information and count. That’s all. Schools just produce people, who will be identical, like the part of bureaucratic administrative machine. They don’t teach how to develop your personality. Every student is just a gear of a whole mechanism. It’s easier to control the herd, than nation. Due to it we should change sth in our educational system. The second video shows us Ken Robinson’s opinion about how to escape the ‘death valley’. To put it in a nutshell, he thinks, that children are different; they have different speed, ability, natural talents in studying. So, there are a lot of thi
BP #6. Appearance, Character, Relationship   Hello my dear reader. Today I tell you one story, about unexpected meeting of two people that disclosed their emotions. That was a calm evening. There wasn’t any cloud on the sky and just light wind whispered something. On the other side of the street appeared elegant man. He had a slim figure. His face was oval. His dark-brown eyes perfectly passed to his short but wavy dark hair. At one moment the girl that rides on the bicycle bumped him. He was quit a sociable and generous person and he helped her to rise up. She raised her eyes and looked at her helper… “She is perfect” – that was the first that came to his mind. She was a slim woman. Dark sleek hair with violet shade that was immaculately groomed covered her shoulders.  She had amazing dimples on her cheeks when her face shined with a smile. Her bottomless eyes made him feel thrilled. He realized that it was love at first sight…
BP #5. Communication Hi my dear reader. Guess what? It’s time for comics. Let’s go. Varys and Tirion again have a small talk: And here are typical office situations: I think most people face a similar situation: And my lovely Zagoretska: That's all for today, mu dear reader. Try to practice your English skills in different ways, don't afraid sth new. Good luck.
BP #4. Formation of the Words  Hello dear reader . Welcome again to my blog. Today I tell you about the formation of words, word families, and Greek and Latin roots. Firstly, I show you a ways of word formation on the example of words below. They are taken from the text “The Antarctic: Key to Planet Earth” Upstream Upper Intermediate: Students book, Unit 9 p.160-161. Noun Verb Adjective Adverb Expedition - - Expeditiously Beater Beat Beaten - Representation Represent Representational - Contribution Contribute Contributory - Evolution Evolve Evolutionary - Preservation Preserve - - Sediment - Sedimentary Seditionaly Currency - Current Currently Prevention Prevent Preventive - Provider Provide Providential Providentially
BP #3. English Online  Dear Ostap, I haven’t seen you for ages. How are you doing? I’ve heard you start study English again. It’s really great idea. I can help you to make the grade faster. In this letter I give you some advises and step-by-step you approach your goal. As I know, you used to make notes of useful material in order to revise it faster in the nearest future. Also I remember that you usually look up new words in paper dictionary. It’s good method but a bit old fashionable. Instead of these “paper” methods you can use more modern, such as portable devices and online resources. It helps you to achieve your goal faster. For example, there is a word that slips your mind and you want to find it as fast as possible. And you need just a few seconds to look up it in your e-dictionary in you r telephone. Also there is a wide range of websites with a great methods of that help you to expand your vocabulary. For example, I know about website  Quizlet  with their eff
BP #2. Dictionary Daze  Hello dear reader. Welcome to the second blog about words management. And today I tell you about dictionaries: what are the best to use in different cases, and how to use. Dictionary – is a “Magic Wand” for every person who is studying a foreign language . It helps us to be aware of definitions, translations, pronunciations of the words. You should take the question of choosingappropriate dictionary for you seriously, because this thing is very helpful in building your vocabulary. In video tutorials I find really useful information for students. If English isn’t your mother tongue you should use descriptive dictionary. Prescriptive dictionaries are better for native speakers. Also you should pay attention for all details that are shown in dictionary (what part of speech the word is ; is there some other possible forms of this word). Moreover, in that videos were mentioned some effective methods and advices. They could help to expand your vocabula
BP #1. Techniques and Strategies of Vocabulary Building  Hello dear reader. If you are reading this blog, you are interested in English, aren’t you? I want to start with WORDS. At the beginning of your studying you can find it’s too frustrating to learn the long word-lists. But correct organization of your vocabulary helps you to work out the easiest way. All the time you’ll be facing new words.  You can guess the meaning of some of them. But mostly times it will be necessary to look this word up in the dictionary. And there you should pay attention for: -           Spelling -           Definition -           Transcription -           Collocations To make a grade in word learning you should have your own vocabulary. Here is an example of my one: endurance elusive stage name evolve fatigue collegiate to do sb's head in stride prick treadmill shod pecuniary sooth slipstream tauten tackle mileage emerge fertility limper up http